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Bard Rochester - 0123460 - Bard Composix Ellipse

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Products Details
Composix E/X Mesh

Polypropylene/ePTFE prosthesis for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.

Healthcare Professional Downloads:

  • Instructions for Use


Bard Composix E/X Mesh is indicated for use in the reconstruction of soft tissue deficiencies, such as for the repair of hernias and chest wall defects.


  • Two distinctly different sides:
    • Polypropylene Bard mesh provides optimal tissue ingrowth
    • Robust sub-micronic ePTFE permanent barrier minimizes adhesions to the prosthesis or mesh erosion into viscera
  • Elliptically shaped design reduces the need to trim the mesh, saving time
  • Low profile mesh that is easy to manipulate for open repairs and to deploy for laparoscopic repairs
  • Monofilament PTFE stitches minimize the risk of adhesions to the prosthesis
  • Sealed edges provide an overhang of ePTFE without compromising the polypropylene Bard Mesh side

Bard Composix 4 X 6 Ellipse (1 Per Box)
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Manufacturer Bard Rochester
Code 0123460
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Product Size 4" X 6"
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Bard Rochester - 0123460 - Bard Composix Ellipse
